Irina Nordsol Kuzmina
Artstation is my go to spot for art inspiration and the other day I came across some work by the incredibly skilled Irina Nordsol Kuzmina. These are pretty much all of my art goals- beautiful use of light, light texture, dynamic and interesting character compositions, etc. The rest of her gallery is just as gorgeous. She can be found @nord-sol.com & artstation.com/nordsol .
Hello and thanks for stopping by~! I hope you’ll enjoy your ‘stay’ at my little piece of the internet. Feel free to send questions my way or post on the relevant pages if you have thoughts, comments or questions. Happy arting! Jei
How I discovered my love for cinematography-Efflam Mercier
There was another great Blender Guru interview (Youtube ) this time with Efflam Mercier about cinematography and other things. He touched on something that I’ve been thinking a lot about recently. That being how much films (well done films) can teach artists. I was thinking about it mainly from the point of telling a story in graphic form- movement, camera/viewpoint placement, etc. but also lighting. Efflam points out some of his favorite books and films that handle those topics and more well. I’ve only seen Hero on his list and I remember being blown away by how beautiful it was. I don’t remember much of the story but I remember…
Journal Assets and More: Behind the Scene Updates
It’s been a hot minute since I have officially updated this journal. There has been a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes though. I recently published a Skillshare class on journaling on the iPad here (https://skl.sh/2Mwah4v) ( 7 free access codes are available if you want to check it out with no premium account strings 🙂 ) I also created several free assets to go along with the class (pins, sticky notes, header images,templates, etc.) and posted them over at Gumroad (https://gum.co/pixelsnplay). I’ve also been working on some Blender tutorials and things that I’ll be posting in the days to come!
Victoria Maderna’s Gouache Tutorial
There is an excellent new gouache tutorial up over at Muddy Colors. Be sure to check it out [ here ].
Breathing Again || project news!
I’ve been busting my butt on this comic project proposal and learning a lot in the process. Those may be some of the best pages I have ever done 🙂 Now I really need a break.
Working on Unity
Unity has an excellent 2d level tutorial kit that I’ve been working thru and having a lot of fun playing around in. Also been trying to make more diverse character portrait game assets and better backgrounds for parallaxing- phew!
Been busy
I’ve been a bit busy as of late creating game assets for a really cool project called Fuze for the Nintendo Switch. I’m excited about the additional assets I have planned but have to put it on a warm back burner as I work on another big project that I’m excited about!
Creating 3D Low Poly Art With 2D Shapes in Photoshop (Workflow Tutorial)
This looks like a lot of fun to do and relatively easy- will have to try making some of these~! From Pocket City.
Tutorial Links
Here are two tutorial links to remember: How to Create a Stylish Neon Portrait in Procreate by Maria Dimova Mclelun’s Backgrounds